Hi, I'm Hannah. When I say thanks for being here, I really mean that. This small business isn't what it is without its customers and I am grateful for you.
I could tell you here about how Kind & Grace is really thoughtful and sustainable and kind to the planet and about what it creates but hopefully, by now, you'l have seen some of the t-shirts and started to see that it goes deeper than a kind footprint or sustainable fabrics. Those things are incredibly important and at the top of the priority list (I wasn't about to make a brand called Kind and not make sure it was exactly that) but what is most important is you, us, well-being, love and kindness.
In every design, I want to spread a little bit of kindness - to empower, encourage and remind us of the things that we are and the things we need. It all begins there, every good thing begins with kindness. Kindness to ourselves, to others, to our planet. It is impossible to be the person we want to be and show up in the world the way we want without first having self-kindness.
For many of us, that looks like a long journey of self-love, development and well-being, change and healing. With lots of ups and downs and learning (and tears) but as many of you will know, it's a journey worth taking.
Because when we can start to be kind to ourselves, we can start to do anything.
Over the last few years, I've been on a long journey of self-discovery, therapy, healing and recovery of my own. When I create stuff, it isn't me saying look at what I know, this is how you do it, it's me saying 'hey I've learned this, look at me learning this messily, it might helpyou too' look at what I learned, I hope it helps you too. I wanted to make and create things that I wanted to wear, messages and slogans that were subtle and classy, things with sentiment and soul, meaning but also that are sustainable and kinder to our planet. Can we wear things we want to wear and also be responsible? Yes we can. It is more expensive and it is (a lot) more time consuming but it's important to me.
I hope that you love this little brand as much as I do and that it’s a place that helps you along in your self development & self love journey all the while knowing that you're choosing kindness, to planet and people and putting a little bit more love into the world. Here's to us putting a little bit more love and kindness into the world.
You REALLY matter xx
Points are -
it is sustainable and kind
mostly about the self development journey
it all starts with kindness
i am in that group
wanted to create things that inspire and empower, encourage and remind
hope you love it and its on your jounrey
you're putting love into the world.
everyone matters
you get to laugh
you know that you are loved
you know that you are right where you need to be
Hannah x